This beautiful new home is perfectly located between two other dwellings and cleverly nestled into the land. The sloping section and conditions of the site meant that the house had to be constructed over three levels providing sanctuary, functionality and entertainment. The main dwelling and outside spaces on one level, the relax room and entertaining area on another and further down the carport and garage. One specific requirement was to create a home that was in keeping with the land but not built into it. We formed a curved concrete wall behind the main dwelling which allowed us to achieve this result.
Every aspect of this build was carefully considered from the exterior form, materials, lighting, colours, furniture and landscape were all carefully considered to form a coherent and unified result. The landscape design integrates ideas that are seen in the surrounding buildings. Rocks, grasses, trees and creeping natives soften the concrete lintels and stairs. Large rocks were located in various areas to create interest and focal points.
The result – a beautiful home that will graciously grow old and embed itself into the fabric of both the family and the land.